Asset Property Management

Property Management

About Asset

Born and bred on Sydney’s North Shore, Alex has incredible in-depth knowledge of the local market. This is reflected in his ability to constantly study and work to achieve results and help him reach his client’s needs. With a strong career in customer services and impeccable client support skills, Alex has a clear understanding of what would be best for his clients. His policy of not ‘sugar-coating’ the truth lends itself to balancing client expectations to meet reality and buffer against false hopes.

“Real Estate is not a 9-5 job,” Alex has stated. “We need to work 24/7 for our clients. I’m in the business of customer service, if I don’t provide that service I’m in the wrong industry. Property isn’t only property, It’s the biggest investments in someone’s life and we have it in our hands to achieve the results we promise to deliver.”

He has unique skills and traits that will help not only his clients but himself to progress as the Agent everyone can trust!

Alex aspires to change the real estate industry by changing the perspective of what an average agent is currently known for. Trust, Enthusiasm, Determination, Achievement and Absolute hard work are some of the characteristics that Alex has. He will drive to succeed and work to build the reputation of the trusted local agent in the area.